The 9 best AI assistants to increase workplace productivity


In the modern workplace, efficiency is key. The demand for productivity has led to the emergence of AI assistants that streamline tasks, automate processes, and even generate new insights. But what exactly is an AI assistant, and why are they so crucial to workplace productivity?

The 9 best AI assistants to increase workplace productivity:

1. Glean AI for enterprise productivity

2. GitHub Copilot for developer productivity

3. Superhuman for email management and assistance

4. Stampli for AI-Driven Accounts Payable Automation

5. Gong AI to Assist the Sales Team with Coaching and Revenue Acceleration

6. ChurnZero AI for customer success

7. Helpshift for AI customer support assistant

8. Runway AI for creative teams

9. Paradox AI for HR automation

What is an AI assistant in the workplace?

An AI assistant is a software application that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to perform tasks, provide insights, and automate processes that traditionally required human effort. These tasks can range from simple data entry and email management to complex problem-solving and decision support. In the workplace, AI assistants are designed to reduce repetitive work, enhance communication, and support teams in achieving their goals more efficiently.

The following are nine of the best AI assistants that are transforming workplace productivity.

<h2 id="glean">1. Glean AI for enterprise productivity</h2>

Glean is an enterprise-ready digital workplace assistant that leverages next-generation AI technology. It is designed to deliver precise answers and insights based on your company's data while ensuring security and data governance.

Key features:

  • Tailored enterprise knowledge: Glean understands your company's unique context, language, and internal relationships, providing highly relevant information.
  • Connectivity across 100+ business apps: Glean provides connectors for over 100 business applications, ensuring comprehensive search coverage. Additionally, Glean's APIs allow for the expansion of search capabilities to include more enterprise applications.‍
  • Generative AI-powered summaries: Glean leverages generative AI to generate document summaries rapidly. This feature saves time by summarizing content, allowing users to find answers based on the most current information available within the organization.
  • ‍Effective personalization: Glean constructs a knowledge graph of your company. It discerns the relationships between people, content, and interactions. This results in highly personalized search results, tailoring information to individual users based on data from the knowledge graph.
  • Real-time indexed results: Glean ensures that search results are indexed in real time. It means that employees can always access the most up-to-date information. Additionally, Glean respects data access permissions, ensuring that users only see data they are authorized to access.
  • Generative AI for various workflows: Whether it's engineering, support, or sales, Glean can help automate tasks and answer complex questions.

Overall, Glean aims to be a centralized AI platform that helps enterprises achieve better productivity through automation, relevant information retrieval, and trustworthy AI.

<h2 id="github-copilot">2. GitHub Copilot for developer productivity</h2>

GitHub Copilot is a groundbreaking AI assistant designed for developers. Powered by OpenAI's Codex, Copilot integrates with popular code editors and provides code suggestions, documentation assistance, and even automated code completion.

Key features:

  • Smart code suggestions: Copilot offers code snippets and suggestions in real-time, reducing the time spent on coding.
  • Integration with major code editors: Copilot works seamlessly with Visual Studio Code, enabling developers to increase their coding speed.
  • AI-driven code generation: Developers can rely on Copilot to write boilerplate code and even tackle complex programming tasks.

GitHub Copilot significantly enhances developer productivity by automating routine coding tasks and reducing the time spent on manual code writing.

<h2 id="superhuman">3. Superhuman for email management and assistance</h2>

Superhuman is an AI-powered email client designed to make email management faster and more efficient. It focuses on providing a streamlined email experience with powerful features to keep users organized and on top of their inbox.

Key features:

  • Smart email categorization: Superhuman uses AI to automatically categorize emails, helping users focus on what's important.
  • Keyboard shortcuts and commands: With a range of shortcuts, Superhuman allows users to navigate their inbox at lightning speed.
  • Insights and analytics: Users can track email open rates, response times, and more to gain insights into their email habits.

Superhuman is ideal for professionals who need to manage high volumes of email efficiently and maintain a clutter-free inbox.

<h2 id="stampli">4. Stampli for AI-driven accounts payable automation</h2>

Stampli is an AI-driven accounts payable automation tool designed to streamline invoice processing and reduce manual intervention in financial workflows.

Key features:

  • Automated invoice processing: Stampli uses AI to automatically capture and process invoices, reducing manual data entry.
  • Customizable approval workflows: Organizations can set up approval processes that align with their internal policies.
  • Integration with ERP systems: Stampli integrates with major ERP systems, enabling seamless data exchange.

Stampli helps finance teams improve efficiency by automating accounts payable tasks and reducing the risk of errors in invoice processing.

<h2 id="gong-ai">5. Gong AI assists sales with coaching and revenue acceleration</h2>

Gong is an AI-powered sales assistant designed to help sales teams improve their performance through coaching and data-driven insights.

Key features:

  • Automated call analysis: Gong uses AI to analyze sales calls, providing insights into customer interactions and identifying areas for improvement.
  • Coaching and feedback tools: Sales managers can use Gong to provide targeted coaching and feedback based on AI-generated insights.
  • Revenue acceleration insights: Gong helps sales teams identify opportunities for revenue growth and track performance metrics.

Gong is a valuable tool for sales teams looking to enhance their performance and drive revenue growth through AI-driven coaching and insights.

<h2 id="churnzero">6. ChurnZero AI for customer success</h2>

ChurnZero is an AI-powered customer success platform designed to help companies reduce customer churn and improve customer satisfaction.

Key features:

  • Customer health scores: ChurnZero uses AI to calculate customer health scores, helping customer success teams identify at-risk customers.
  • Automated customer workflows: ChurnZero can automate customer communication workflows, ensuring timely follow-ups and personalized interactions.
  • Integration with CRM systems: ChurnZero integrates with popular CRM systems, allowing customer success teams to work with real-time customer data.

ChurnZero helps companies improve customer retention and satisfaction through AI-driven insights and automation.

<h2 id="helpshift">7. Helpshift for AI customer support assistant</h2>

Helpshift is an AI-powered customer support platform designed to automate customer service tasks and improve response times.

Key features:

  • AI-powered chatbots: Helpshift's chatbots can handle common customer inquiries, reducing the need for human intervention.
  • Automated ticket routing: Helpshift uses AI to automatically route customer support tickets to the appropriate agents.
  • Analytics and reporting: Helpshift provides detailed analytics on customer support performance, allowing teams to identify areas for improvement.

Helpshift is ideal for customer support teams looking to increase efficiency and provide faster responses to customer inquiries.

<h2 id="runway-ai">8. Runway AI for creative teams</h2>

Runway AI is a unique AI assistant designed for creative teams, offering tools for video editing, graphic design, and more.

Key features:

  • AI-powered video editing: Runway AI can automatically edit videos, add effects, and generate animations.
  • Automated design tools: Runway AI offers tools for creating graphics, designs, and animations with AI assistance.
  • Collaboration features: Creative teams can collaborate within the platform, sharing assets and working on projects together.

Runway AI is perfect for creative teams looking to streamline their workflows and enhance their creative output with AI assistance.

<h2 id="paradox-ai">9. Paradox AI for HR automation</h2>

Paradox AI is a conversation-based software designed to automate HR tasks and improve recruitment processes. It uses AI to streamline HR workflows, from job applications to onboarding.

Key features:

  • AI-powered recruitment: Paradox AI automates the initial stages of recruitment by engaging with job applicants through chatbots, conducting preliminary screenings, and scheduling interviews.
  • Automated onboarding: Paradox AI helps with onboarding processes, providing new hires with essential information and guiding them through the setup process.
  • Streamlined HR workflows: Paradox AI can automate repetitive HR tasks, allowing HR professionals to focus on more strategic activities.
  • Integration with HR systems: Paradox AI integrates with leading HR management systems, ensuring seamless data flow and coordination.

Paradox AI is an excellent solution for HR teams looking to increase efficiency, improve the candidate experience, and streamline HR workflows through conversational AI.

<h2 id="benefits-of-ai">Benefits of AI assistants in the workplace:</h2>

Integrating AI assistants into the workplace brings a host of advantages, fundamentally changing the way employees work and interact with technology. These benefits can significantly impact productivity, efficiency, and overall workplace dynamics. Here are some of the key benefits of AI in the workplace:

<h3 id="improved-decision-making">Improved decision-making</h3>

One of the primary benefits of AI in the workplace is enhanced decision-making. AI assistants can analyze large volumes of data in real time, allowing employees to access insights quickly and make informed decisions. This can lead to better outcomes and faster response times, as employees are equipped with relevant information at their fingertips.

<h3 id="task-automation">Automation of repetitive tasks</h3>

AI assistants are particularly adept at automating mundane and repetitive tasks, such as data entry, scheduling, and basic customer inquiries. By taking over these time-consuming activities, AI assistants free up employees to focus on more complex and strategic work. This not only boosts productivity but also reduces the risk of errors and contributes to a more satisfying work environment.

<h3 id="enhanced-personalization">Enhanced personalization</h3>

AI assistants can learn from user interactions and preferences, enabling them to provide personalized responses and recommendations. This level of customization improves user satisfaction, as employees receive tailored support based on their unique needs. The ability to adapt to individual users enhances the overall employee experience and fosters a more engaging workplace.

<h3 id="streamlined-communication">Streamlined communication and collaboration</h3>

AI assistants can facilitate communication and collaboration within teams and across departments. They can quickly find relevant information, summarize meetings, and automate follow-ups, promoting a more cohesive and efficient work environment. This leads to improved teamwork and better cross-functional collaboration.

<h3 id="increased-efficiency">Increased efficiency and productivity</h3>

By automating repetitive tasks and providing quick access to information, AI assistants help employees accomplish more in less time. This increased efficiency translates into higher productivity across the organization, allowing teams to meet goals and deadlines with greater ease.

<h3 id="support-remote-work">Support for remote work</h3>

AI assistants are particularly valuable for remote and hybrid work environments. They can bridge the gap between geographically dispersed teams, offering seamless communication and coordination. AI assistants can also support remote onboarding and training, ensuring a smooth transition for new employees.

<h3 id="data-driven-insights">Data-driven insights</h3>

With their ability to process and analyze data, AI assistants can provide valuable insights that drive business decisions. They can identify trends, forecast outcomes, and highlight opportunities for growth, enabling organizations to stay ahead of the competition.


In summary, AI assistants are redefining workplace productivity by streamlining tasks, automating repetitive work, and providing valuable insights that drive informed decision-making. By embracing AI, organizations can unlock significant efficiencies, foster better collaboration, and create a more personalized employee experience. As technology continues to evolve, AI assistants will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the future of work.

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