Execute work with an expert by your side.  

Tap into your company knowledge with an AI-powered work assistant that summarizes, creates, analyzes, synthesizes, and executes work with you.

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Powered by Glean’s trusted knowledge model
State-of-the-art technology ensures levels of accuracy and security not possible with general-purpose AI models.

Company knowledge and context

Glean delivers more relevant and accurate information by understanding your company’s content, internal language, people and relationships.

Permissions and data governance

Glean takes into account all real-time enterprise data permissions, and ensures that users only have access to information that they're allowed to see.

Full referenceability

Glean links to source information across documents, conversations and applications so you can trust the answers provided.
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Answers grounded in your own enterprise knowledge graph:

Glean’s proprietary search engine connects to and understands all your company’s data — ensuring LLMs use the most relevant, up-to-date information. With Glean, each employee receives answers with unparalleled personalization.

Responsible AI that scales to your enterprise needs:

Results are secure, private, permissions-aware, and fully referenceable. Scalable infrastructure and auditing tools ensure sensitive data is used as intended​​​. 

Turnkey implementation of a complex ecosystem:

100+ pre-built connectors. Implement Glean without professional services, data training, or fine-tuning necessary. Use the LLMs of your choice on one centralized AI platform.

Uncover insights with your company context

Instantly find answers that are personalized and leverage data from your company’s documents, applications, and employees.

Efficiently go from blank slate to completed project

Write customer emails, summarize documents, and offload complex tasks. Results are indexed in real time, so employees can always use the latest information.

Minimize context switching and find focus 

Work in the tools you use daily including Slack and Zendesk. Configure Glean Assistant to automatically answer questions or provide recommended next steps.

Make better decisions faster 

By citing and linking to source information across documents, conversations, and applications, you can trust the answers provided and dive deeper quickly.

Put AI to work.
At work.

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