
The 2023 onboarding survey report

Employees are shifting jobs more often than ever, and the volume of information and tools we use has ballooned – but onboarding hasn't kept up to accommodate. Discover in this new report how onboarding processes need to change to enable workers to thrive in the modern workplace.

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Employees are struggling with information overload

The employee journey has changed, and the volume of information they work with has ballooned – but onboarding hasn’t changed to keep up with the pace. It’s resulted in serious lapses in worker knowledge that lead to disengagement and inefficiency. 

Onboarding is key to enabling their success

This report uncovers exactly what’s preventing employees from thriving – and how better onboarding and knowledge discovery can transform the modern employee experience for the better. 

Check out the full report to discover:

  • How to recognize the signs of struggling employees 
  • Where inefficiencies exist in modern onboarding processes 
  • How poor onboarding is costing you and your employees 
  • What employees need to thrive and succeed from the get-go

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Employees are struggling with information overload

The employee journey has changed, and the volume of information they work with has ballooned – but onboarding hasn’t changed to keep up with the pace. It’s resulted in serious lapses in worker knowledge that lead to disengagement and inefficiency. 

Onboarding is key to enabling their success

This report uncovers exactly what’s preventing employees from thriving – and how better onboarding and knowledge discovery can transform the modern employee experience for the better. 

Check out the full report to discover:

  • How to recognize the signs of struggling employees 
  • Where inefficiencies exist in modern onboarding processes 
  • How poor onboarding is costing you and your employees 
  • What employees need to thrive and succeed from the get-go